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Cola Wars in China: The Future is Here (Traditional Chinese version)
作者姓名:Niraj Dawar; Nancy Dai
出版日期:2007/02/07內容長度:24 頁

The Wahaha Hangzhou Group Co. Ltd. is one of China's largest soft-drink producers. One of the company's products, Future Cola, was launched a few years ago to compete with Coca Cola and PepsiCo and has made significant progress in the soft-drink markets that were developed by these cola giants. The issue now is to maintain the momentum of growth in the face of major competition from the giant multinationals, and to achieve its goal of dominant .....more

Cola Wars in China: The Future is Here
作者姓名:Niraj Dawar; Nancy Dai;
商品類型:Case (Field)商品編號:9B03A006
出版日期:2003/08/06內容長度:18 頁

The Wahaha Hangzhou Group Co. Ltd. is one of China's largest soft-drink producers. One of the company's products, Future Cola, was launched a few years ago to compete with Coca Cola and PepsiCo and has made significant progress in the soft-drink markets that were developed by these cola giants. The issue now is to maintain the momentum of growth in the face of major competition from the giant multinationals, and to achieve its goal of dominant .....more